

SSC ReScrutiny Process also known as “Khata Challenge” process. All students did not get their expecting result. That’s why, there is a chance to re-check their result. Students can send SMS from only from Teletalk prepaid mobile by this way.

RSC<>1ST 3 LETTER OF BOARD<>ROLL<>SUBJECT CODEFor an example: RSC DHA 1234 101 & send to 16222
There will charge TK 125 for each subject or part.

In the return SMS, candidates will get a PIN number and noticing amount of fee providing. Then send another SMS and type-

RSC<>YES<>PIN<>any contact number & send it to 16222

For an example: RSC YES 47483875 01XXXXXXXX

Hsc-2016-result-rescrutiny-process-ssc-khata-board-challenge-www.educationboardresults.gov.bd Hsc-2016-result-rescrutiny-process-ssc-khata-board-challenge-www.educationboardresults.gov.bd Reviewed by Najmul Hasan on 04:25:00 Rating: 5

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